Math Trek
Free Choice + Punishment = Cooperation
In a computer simulation of a multi-player game, cheaters didn't prosper when other participants could choose not to play.
Sudoku and Graph Theory
Solving sudoku puzzles may not require mathematics, but mathematicians have found plenty to say about the popular brainteasers.
A Golden Sales Pitch
A design incorporating the golden ratio makes blue jeans aesthetically pleasing, or so the manufacturer claims.
Summing Up Literature
Statistical analyses of literary texts provide new insights about novels.
Summing Up Literature
Statistical analyses of literary texts provide new insights about novels.
Musical Illusions
An auditory phenomenon that resembles a familiar optical illusion sheds light on how our brains process sound.
Covering New Ground with Polygons
Mathematicians can cover larger areas than they'd realized using polygons with fixed diameters.
Miles from Nowhere
Scientists have developed a new technique for calculating the ecological value of road-free areas of land and representing them geometrically.
A Grove of Evolutionary Trees
"Trees of life" show patterns of evolutionary descent, and they fit together mathematically to form an abstract forest.
The Mathematical Lives of Plants
Scientists are figuring out why plants grow in spiral patterns that incorporate the 'golden angle'.
Computer, Name That Tune!
Computers can analyze music mathematically and use the result to track down songs, without even knowing the composer, performer, or title.