Math Trek

  1. Math

    A Dog, a Ball, and Calculus

    Some dogs live to play fetch, especially if the object of interest is a favorite tennis ball or toy. Others, like ours, fetch only when the reward is a particularly tantalizing tidbit. At least one dog, however, appears to take the enterprise seriously enough to figure out an optimal path to the target. Elvis and […]

  2. Math

    Measuring with Jugs

    Given a 5-liter jug, a 3-liter jug, and an unlimited supply of water, how do you measure out exactly 4 liters? In her book In Code: A Mathematical Journey, Sarah Flannery gives this classic brainteaser as an example of the sorts of playful puzzles that her father, a mathematics lecturer at the Cork Institute of […]

  3. Math

    Deciphering the Wrinkles of Crumpled Sheets

    Crumpling is a ubiquitous, though poorly understood, physical phenomenon. It occurs when a fender absorbs the energy of a car crash, when Earth’s crust buckles at the interface between colliding tectonic plates to create a mountain range, when a blood cell’s membrane folds to allow the cell to pass through a narrow capillary, when a […]

  4. Math

    Sequence Puzzles

    Given a sequence consisting of the whole numbers 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, and 49, what number comes next in the sequence? The most likely answer is 64–the next number in a sequence of squares of consecutive integers, starting with 1. Such sequence puzzles are a staple of textbook exercises, brainteaser collections, and various […]

  5. Math

    Coins for Making Change Efficiently

    The item I had just bought cost 29 cents. I gave the cashier a dollar bill, and she gave me two quarters, two dimes, and a penny in change. She could just as well have given me seven dimes and a penny or some other combination of coins adding up to 71 cents, but there’s […]

  6. Math

    A Geometric Superformula

    The notion of a simple equation that you can use to generate a wide variety of geometric shapes is an immensely appealing one. Johan Gielis of Antwerp, Belgium, proposes one such formula in the March American Journal of Botany. “Many geometrical forms, both in nature and culture, can be interpreted as modified circles,” Gielis states. […]

  7. Math

    Recycling Topology

    It’s hard to miss the triangle of three bent arrows that signifies recycling. It appears in newspapers and magazines and on bottles, envelopes, cardboard cartons, and other containers. The recycling symbol. Alternative (incorrect?) rendering of the recycling symbol. Cliff Long made a Möbius band the basis of his wood carving “Bug on a Band.” Photo […]

  8. Math

    The Colors of an Equation’s Roots

    Over the centuries, mathematicians have developed a variety of methods of solving equations. Using the capabilities of modern computers, they have explored in detail how these age-old recipes work–when the methods can be relied upon, when they fail, and when they behave strangely. A polynomiograph of a degree-36 polynomial. B. Kalantari “Cathedral” by B. Kalantari. […]

  9. Math

    Constructing Domino Portraits

    In 1840, the Danish artist Christian Albrecht Jensen (1792–1870) was commissioned to paint a portrait of the renowned mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855). This portrait, showing Gauss at the venerable age of 63, went on display at the Pulkowa Observatory in St. Petersburg, Russia, where it remains to this day. That painting of Gauss has […]

  10. Math

    Zeroing In on Catalan’s Conjecture

    Fermat’s last theorem is just one of many examples of innocent-looking problems that can long stymie even the most astute mathematicians. It took about 350 years to prove Fermat’s scribbled conjecture, for instance. Now, Preda Mihailescu of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich has proved a theorem that is likely to lead to […]

  11. Math

    Zeroing In on Catalan’s Conjecture

    Fermat’s last theorem is just one of many examples of innocent-looking problems that can long stymie even the most astute mathematicians. It took about 350 years to prove Fermat’s scribbled conjecture, for instance. Now, Preda Mihailescu of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich has proved a theorem that is likely to lead to […]

  12. Math

    Zeroing In on Catalan’s Conjecture

    Fermat’s last theorem is just one of many examples of innocent-looking problems that can long stymie even the most astute mathematicians. It took about 350 years to prove Fermat’s scribbled conjecture, for instance. Now, Preda Mihailescu of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich has proved a theorem that is likely to lead to […]
