Math Trek

  1. Math

    Pentomino Sudoku

    A contest features a combination of sudoku and tiles called pentominoes.

  2. Math

    Quilting Pi

    The digits of pi inspire artistic quilts. For more math, visit the MathTrek blog.

  3. Math

    Constructing Difference Engines

    Antique calculators resurface as Lego or Meccano models. For more math, visit the MathTrek blog.

  4. Math

    Papercraft Polyhedra

    Constructing intricate polyhedra requires considerable skill and artistry. For more math, visit the MathTrek blog.

  5. Math

    Men, Women, Cars, and Crashes

    Why do men, whether as drivers or pedestrians, have a much higher rate of traffic fatalities than women do? For more math, visit the MathTrek blog.

  6. Math

    Shadows of the Fourth Dimension

    In a new book, artist Tony Robbin presents his vision of the fourth dimension in science, art, and modern thought. For more math, visit the MathTrek blog.

  7. Math

    Euclid’s Fourteenth Book

    An ancient manuscript reveals an astonishing, unexpected realm of Euclidean geometry. For additional math news, visit the MathTrek blog.

  8. Math

    A Gathering for Gardner

    Recreational mathematics and magic highlighted a lively gathering held recently to honor Martin Gardner. For additional news, visit the MathTrek blog.

  9. Math

    Winning with a Winding Random Walk

    A two-dimensional random walk takes a frustratingly long time to complete a circuit.

  10. Math

    From Counting to Writing

    Counting and numbers played a crucial role in the development of writing.

  11. Math

    The Limits of Mathematics

    Some mathematical facts can't be compressed into a theory because they are too complicated.

  12. Math

    The Galois Story

    Mystery still surrounds the tragic death of young mathematician Évariste Galois.
