Letters to the Editor

  1. 19413

    I am not an advocate of capital punishment, but I wonder whether the people and organizations who are so anxious to use findings on brain maturity to raise the age of capitol punishment have considered the consequences of winning their case. One might argue on the same basis that anyone who has not yet reached […]

  2. 19412

    Your article suggests that somehow X rays caused low-birth-weight babies in women who had their teeth X-rayed during their pregnancies. Here is an alternative possibility: Perhaps unhealthy people are more likely to have low-birth-weight babies and bad teeth. Stephen WoodOrlando, FL. The article hypothesizes that the dental X-rays hitting the thyroid glands of pregnant women […]

  3. 19411

    In this article Rus Hoelzel states, “One thing I want to make clear is that I think whale watching is a good thing.” He then states that the activity may just need “tighter regulations.” I feel that this argument isn’t valid. If whale watching is causing danger to the species, then it’s not good. Whales […]

  4. 19410

    The Essential Oils Desk Reference lists cinnamon as one of the oils to use for diabetes. Coincidence? I think not. Ancient natural remedies are very effective if you use high-grade therapeutic oils. More testing should be done with natural “medicines,” even though this wouldn’t be profitable for the drug industry. Tom E. KlassenNoblesville, Ind. Chemist […]

  5. 19409

    It’s pitiful to see supposedly objective scientists fantasizing that there’s a “fact that life could be widespread” because they’ve found organic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in space. Even if researchers found all the amino acids floating in space, it would be like finding a pile of bricks and other building materials and imagining they could form […]

  6. Humans

    Letters from the May 1, 2004, issue of Science News

    Skins game I know some people who carefully shield their bodies from the sun with sunscreen and clothing, and their skin is extremely pale. But if tanning acts as a protector (“Sunny Solution: Lotion speeds DNA repair, protects mice from skin cancer,” SN: 3/6/04, p. 147: Sunny Solution: Lotion speeds DNA repair, protects mice from […]

  7. Humans

    Letters from the April 24, 2004, issue of Science News

    Extreme makeover The observations in “Wrenching Findings: Homing in on dark energy” (SN: 2/28/04, p. 132: Wrenching Findings: Homing in on dark energy) are of stars and galaxies billions of light-years away and billions of years old. Has anyone ever thought about what the universe out there looks like today? Earl RosenwinkelDuluth, Minn. People have […]

  8. 19408

    I described everything in this article almost 50 years ago in The City and the Stars (1956, Harcourt, Brace, and World). See chapter 6: “He set up the matrix of all possible integers, and started his computer stringing the primes across its surface as beads might be arranged at the intersections of a mesh. Jeserac […]

  9. 19407

    This article focused exclusively on the conversion efficiency of the solar cells. To my way of thinking, the important parameter is not output power versus input power but output power per dollar cost. The size of the arrays is generally not the deciding item. If their efficiency were only 10 percent, but they cost 10 […]

  10. 19406

    Like physicists, mathematicians have always been divided into theorists and experimentalists. And, as with the physicists, the two groups of mathematicians have not gotten along very well. Still, in physics, there has always been an understanding that both groups are necessary, whereas during the past century or so, it has been possible to pretend that […]

  11. 19405

    This article reminded me of the old quote: “A fishing lure is any combination of metal, plastic, wood, feathers, hair, or other manmade or natural material attached to a hook (or hooks) and designed to attract fishermen.” To wit: Decades ago, to impress an office associate who was a trout-fishing traditionalist as to how random […]

  12. 19404

    What an amazing time resolution for 34 million years ago! Could the temperature changes recorded reflect seasonal eel migration, rather than changes in the Gulf of Mexico? Are the results consistent between otoliths found in close association? Does this offer a method of more precise dating similar to the use of tree rings? Gordon C. […]
