Letters to the Editor

  1. Letters

    From the October 25 issue of Science News magazine.

  2. Letters

    Only in the north It is not clear in the fine article on volcanoes (“Disaster goes global,” SN: 8/30/08, p. 16) how dust from the eruption of Huaynaputina, well south of the equator, in 1600 could affect only the Northern Hemisphere. David Bronson, Biddeford Pool, Maine For one thing, there’s less real estate in the […]

  3. Letters

    A climate tipping point In Janet Raloff’s article “Forest invades tundra” (SN: 7/5/08, p. 26), there seems to be a paradox. Raloff says that the albedo from normal snow coverage of the tundra “helps maintain the region’s chilly temperatures,” implying that the coverage also preserves the mats of plant matter. A little later in the […]

  4. Letters

    Disturbing numbers I found the “Sizing up science” Science Stat (SN: 8/2/08, p. 4) somewhat disconcerting with regard to the opinion about medicine. Basic medical research, in which ties to pharmaceutical companies and the like are not limited, may be “scientific” in the usual sense, but once you enter the arena of clinical research, the […]

  5. Letters

    From the August 30, 2008 issue of Science News.

  6. Letters

    Letters appearing in the Aug. 30, 2008 issue of Science News.

  7. Letters

    From the August 2, 2008 issue of Science News.

  8. Letters

    From the July 19, 2008 issue of Science News.

  9. Letters

    Get the real life In the article “Scientists get a second life” (SN: 5/24/08, p. 20), I take exception to Joanna Scott’s statement that “Second Life is real life.” In fairness, one could debate what she means by “life,” but the statement is just too strong to ignore. As technical director at a major theater, […]

  10. Letters, June 21, 2008 Issue

  11. Letters

    A little gravity “Britain’s biggest meteorite strike” (SN: 4/12/08, p. 238) states that “gravitational anomalies” make an offshore area a prime candidate as the possible impact site of a meteorite. Wouldn’t that be magnetic anomalies instead? If it is a gravitational anomaly, I would sure like an article on that alone! Thanks for the great […]

  12. Letters
