Letters to the Editor

  1. 19080

    This article fails to point out interesting aspects of the land and ocean temperature data shown in the article. During the period from about 1918 until 1943, land and ocean temperatures rose at a rate of about 18C per millennium. From 1943 until about 1975, the temperature was constant or declined slightly. A period of […]

  2. 19079

    It’s always risky to assert that a particular study has never been conducted. The research may have been done and, worse, the researcher may come across the assertion. This article claims, “Long-term studies of tough boys have yet to be conducted.” In 1987, we reported a 9-year follow-up of 25 boys (Contributions to Human Development […]

  3. 19076

    Regarding this article, as planes fly low over the bay to land at San Francisco airport, wing vortices frequently bend down and become twin waterspouts that last up to 20 seconds. Dave GrossmanPalo Alto, Calif.

  4. 19016

    I was intrigued by your article for a couple of reasons. Isn’t this what Steven J. Gould said, that evolution is punctuated by environmental stresses that can bring about adapt-or-die changes rapidly? Also, what are the implications for the geneticists who base their mitochondrial DNA dating techniques on what they consider a fairly constant rate […]

  5. 19075

    While applauding the work on infant recognition of numbers and arithmetic, it seems prudent that allowance be made for clues in the environment. For example, Arabic numbers themselves contain numbers of end points that can be used to count that many items. I personally used that method in kindergarten when we were made to stop […]

  6. 19015

    I read this article with interest. In view of your previous story noting no statistical difference in effects on bipolar disorder among lithium, valproate, and placebo (“Extended test for bipolar drug,” SN: 5/27/00, p. 351), the real mystery is why the psychiatric profession is still depending on lithium. T. Everett MobleyKennett, Mo.

  7. 19014

    In this article, you state that magnesium sulfate has been shown to be effective in treating eclampsia. It also has been studied and apparently is effective in stopping some brain damage from stroke. I am wondering why the cost and availability of this drug is such a problem for poor countries. The last I checked, […]

  8. 19074

    As a resident of South Carolina, I was fascinated by this article, which refers to an investigation of an ancient crater buried beneath the Piedmont sediments of our state. However, there wouldn’t be deep sediments overlying basement rock in the Piedmont. There, “basement rock” is close to or at the surface. Julian R. HarrisonCharleston, S.C. […]

  9. 19073

    In reference to this article, I was curious as to whether there was any indication in the research that bipolar disorder in children was misdiagnosed as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder when those children were in the manic phase? Eric P. HuppCuster, S.D. The researchers recruited children whose mania was distinct from attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Among […]

  10. 19013

    Concerning kids’ backpacks, these are not “backpacks.” These are better called “school” or “convenience” packs. A true backpack carries the load on the hips and waist, with shoulder straps for hold and balance, and does not encourage a stooped posture from carrying the load on the shoulders. Joseph KostkaNatrona Heights, Pa. I am 74 years […]

  11. 19072

    This article describes the use of interference patterns from laser light sources to measure the effects of gravity waves. This might lead one to conjecture whether there is an interference pattern that gravity waves by themselves might produce. A gravitational interference effect would correspond to gravitational “fringes” with more or less gravity and, therefore, areas […]

  12. 19012

    I remember reading about Ishi back in the 1970s when I was a teenager, and I was saddened anew by the story of the repatriation of his preserved brain. I hope that Alfred and Theodora Kroeber’s child, novelist Ursula K. LeGuin, will at some point take up the intriguing question posed in your story. How […]
