Letters to the Editor

  1. 19140

    Unfortunately, scientific reports on the widely disclosed environmental dangers of using MTBE in gasoline still routinely repeat the state and federal EPA propaganda that MTBE and other oxygenates such as ethanol are beneficial to cleaning the air. Our best University of California scientists commissioned by the State of California and many others long ago reported […]

  2. 19139

    It would have been helpful to mention in this article that the free-PSA-ratio test is effective only for men with a prostate volume less than 40 cubic centimeters. The test doesn’t work for men with larger prostates. This is because, for larger prostates, the ratio of free to total PSA is elevated to roughly the […]

  3. 19138

    This article states, “Scientists knew that some small carnivores hunted in packs . . . .” That sounds quite subjective to me. Finding many small theropods together with a possible victim can have many interpretations. Vultures mass at a carcass, but would you say they are pack hunters? Russ AgreenDanton, Md. I can certainly understand […]

  4. 19133

    This article implies there are only three options for carpal tunnel syndrome: medicine, wrist splints, or surgery. I’ve had virtually complete relief from a fourth option suggested by a physician: exercise to widen the carpal tunnel. I know of yet another treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome: a shot of cortisone in each wrist. That worked […]

  5. 19137

    These associations between fungi and parasitic plants also exist in North America. These include plants in the wintergreen family, such as Indian pipe, pinesap, and sweet pinesap. A common fungus associated with these plants is an Ascomycete that forms a subterranean structure commonly called a deer truffle. There is also a small genus of orchids, […]

  6. 19136

    The research in this article doesn’t “confirm” the Big Bang theory at all. It simply confirms that scientists will jump to conclusions about observed conditions if it suits their own desire to prove a major theory. Andy BullockFarmersburg, Ind.

  7. 19132

    Sacagawea did not guide the Lewis and Clark expedition, as your story about the new dollar states. In Lewis and Clark’s journals, I find no instance where she directed or advised their course. Sacagawea perhaps saved the expedition a few beads when trading for horses with her brother in the Lemhi Valley of Idaho. Other […]

  8. 19131

    I was intrigued by the fact that some apoptotic cells can recover if not engulfed by another cell. DNA reassembly after the caspases tear it apart should result in many gene mutations. While most of the mutations would result in cell death, perhaps a few cells would have mutations that promote a cancerous or precancerous […]

  9. 19124

    Your story didn’t surprise me. I doubted it the first time I saw it. When I read the original story (“Might night-lights blight sight?” SN: 5/29/99, p. 351), I said, “Wait a minute! Wouldn’t that mean that children raised north of the Arctic Circle should have unusually high levels of myopia?” Did the researchers involved […]

  10. 19123

    The opening paragraphs of this article make the curious observation that silicon dioxide is “little noticed outside the semiconductor industry.” That is, of course, nonsense. Silicon dioxide, widely known as quartz, is known to far more people than is silicon, the stuff of semiconductors. It has been valued by humans since we first started fashioning […]

  11. 19122

    I found this article interesting and informative. However, the story of life, both plant and animal, is the story of adaptation to changing environments. I am sure that if CO2 levels were to double in 50 or 100 years, most plants and animals would have little problem adapting. Considering that ice-core studies indicate that CO2 […]

  12. 19130

    I would hope that the artist’s conception of a black hole is not shared by many. The term hole was an unfortunate choice, since it conjures up an image of a tunnel rather than the actual sphere. In reality, the halo of light around the periphery of the black hole would cover the entire sphere […]
