Letters to the Editor

  1. 19264

    Get real. When you were 4 years old, you understood it better. It goes like this: You dump the inkwell (toxic discharge from industry and sewage systems) into the goldfish bowl (ocean) and the fish all turn belly up and the bowl is without fish. The moneyed polluting industries, of course, would rather not get […]

  2. 19332

    In response to your article, I suggest that at least some inner-city boys are tripped up by violence around them as much as are the girls discussed in the article. Even though women experience shame about mental illness or intense emotional disturbance, it’s socially OK to be a woman and have an anxiety illness. It’s […]

  3. 19263

    I suspect that none of the researchers whose work was described in this article was ever a teenage girl with an absent (or distant) father. I think the simplest explanation is that the girls are looking for male affection and protection, which they can’t get any other way. Most of these girls just want to […]

  4. 19331

    Since “most pleural abnormalities don’t actually interfere with lung function,” the statement that dangerous asbestos exposures extended beyond the workplace in Libby, Mont., must be considered an opinion or assumption, not something confirmed by scientific studies. The heading for the article could just as well have ended “may only be a minor problem.” Bud MarchettePebble […]

  5. 19262

    Although I was thrilled, as usual, to hear of yet another discovery that might lead us to our brethren in the universe, I was dismayed to learn that our scientists have been in such disagreement about the requirements for planetary existence. It made me worry about how many other “requirements” they may have all wrong. […]

  6. 19330

    With the facts as given in this article, the birds spent about 7 percent of their time flying and 93 percent not flying. At the energy rates given, I get that 25 percent of the energy used was spent during the 7 percent of time the birds were flying. The article appeared to state that […]

  7. 19261

    This article raised so many questions. Do children who play in the dirt get their increased immune resistance from phages in the dirt? Is there a phage connection in the AIDS story? Does the risk of dying of heart attacks have a phage connection? If so, is group A Streptococcus involved? Do we need a […]

  8. 19036

    Regarding the article on udder tampering in livestock competitions, it’s sad that the push for easy success is so pervasive. Although colleges and universities receiving federal research funds must require research-ethics education of their students, I don’t see an impact on plagiarism. How might we encourage future generations of students in all disciplines to internalize […]

  9. 19260

    Lowered melatonin secretion was an implied factor in the 35 percent increase in colon cancer among night shift nurses, compared with their daytime counterparts. A couple of altered lifestyle factors may contribute, as well: The night shift is often occasion for a sedentary work style, and decreased alertness might even affect daytime activity. Also, there […]

  10. 19259

    Yes, trying to pin an actual date and time of the day to van Gogh’s painting is an intellectual exercise, but no one should believe this is possible. An artist plays with what’s seen. One only need look at van Gogh’s painting. Does the sky really have white streaks in it? No. So what makes […]

  11. 19258

    Family members who perform the caregiver function usually pay a price because of the stresses involved. If “chronic adversity” is theorized to be the cause of a rise in a person’s IL-6, then questions for research include whether the IL-6 effect also applies to younger spouses and other family members, such as a child caring […]

  12. 19257

    After reading your article, I am sure others must have also wondered if the “Tunguska meteor” that struck in Siberia in June 1908 might have been a mirror meteor. The mirror-asteroid strike described in the article sounds very much like descriptions of the event: tremendous energy and no impact crater. If a mirror object were […]
