Gazing deeper still
Four hundred years ago, Galileo and his telescope brought the heavens into focus, setting the stage for modern astronomy.
By Dava Sobel -
Timeline: Seeing better
In 400 years, telescopes advance from rooftops to mountains to orbit.
By Science News -
Beyond Galileo’s universe
Astronomers grapple with cosmic puzzles both dark and light
By Ron Cowen -
Living Physics
From green leaves to bird brains, biological systems may exploit quantum phenomena.
By Susan Gaidos -
The Genetic Dimension of Height and Health
It may be no tall tale: A few inches taller or shorter could signal a risk for some diseases.
Swarm Savvy
How bees, ants and other animals avoid dumb collective decisions
By Susan Milius -
Strings Link the Ultracold with the Superhot
Perfect liquids suggest theory’s math mirrors something real.
Urban Heat: Recycling waste heat
In the United States, only about one-eighth of the fuel people burn is converted into useful work. Recycling such wasted heat could be one of the best solutions to problems posted by growing cities.
By Sid Perkins -
Building Beauty
Deconstructing flowers yields the secrets of petals, scents and hue.