Cerebral Delights
The amygdala, a part of the brain known for its role in fear, also helps people spot rewards — and go after them.
By Susan Gaidos -
Rivers in the sky
Atmospheric bands of water vapor can cause flooding and extreme weather
In the Zone
Evolution may have trained the mind to see scoring streaks — even where they don't exist.
By Bruce Bower -
Sizing up the Electron
Measuring the inner shape of the famous particle could help solve a cosmic mystery.
Making Nuanced Memories
New nerve cells help the brain tell similar experiences apart.
By Laura Beil -
Worming Your Way to Better Health
To battle autoimmune disease and allergy, scientists tune in to the tricks of parasites.
By Nathan Seppa -
Young’uns adrift on the sea
Scientists try to identify and track elusive larvae in a boundless ocean.
By Susan Milius -
Physicists join immune fight
Principles beyond biology may help explain how the body battles infection.
By Susan Gaidos -
2010 Science News of the Year: Science & Society
Credit: Ayimages/Istockphoto Vaccine link to autism dismissed In February, Lancet formally retracted a 1998 study that had kindled a storm of opposition to vaccines (SN Online: 2/3/10). The research suggested that autism arose in a handful of children after the kids received shots to prevent measles, mumps and rubella. The study’s lead author committed several […]
By Science News