The Tune Wreckers
People who can’t carry a tune, or can but think they can’t, are a rich resource for researchers studying musical ability.
By Bruce Bower -
Collision Course
The tales of two ornithologists trying to prevent birds colliding with windows highlight the obstacles facing applied biology.
By Susan Milius -
Familiar faces
"Super recognizers" never forget a visage, an unusual ability that can be put to good use.
By Susan Gaidos -
Science & Society
Impactful Distraction
Talking while driving poses dangers that people seem unable to see.
By Nathan Seppa -
The Anorexic Brain
Neuroimaging improves understanding of eating disorder.
By Meghan Rosen -
Notorious Bones
South African finds enter fray over origins of the human genus.
By Bruce Bower -
Memories lost and found
Drugs that help mice remember reveal role for epigenetics in recall.
By Susan Gaidos -
Taking Antarctica’s temperature
Frozen continent may not be immune to global warming.
By Erin Wayman -
Cicadas’ odd life cycle poses evolutionary conundrums
Scientists are getting an idea about the odd family tree of periodical cicadas, how the insects synchronize their life cycles and why they breed side-by-side with others unsuitable for mating.
By Susan Milius