
  1. Science & Society

    Science puzzles no longer so puzzling

    This year, researchers solved the riddle of mysterious radio bursts, the Erdös discrepancy problem and an elusive acid.

  2. Science & Society

    These truisms proved false in 2015

    Don’t always believe what you hear. These truisms turned out to be false in 2015.

  3. Science & Society

    Top stories of 2015: Pluto, gene editing, a new hominid and more

    Pluto up close, the power gene editor CRISPR, new early human kin and more make Science News' list of the top 25 science stories of 2015.

  4. Planetary Science

    Year in review: Pluto unveiled as a world like no other

    Long out of reach, Pluto came into focus in 2015 with the New Horizons mission.

  5. Genetics

    Year in review: Breakthrough gene editor sparks ethics debate

    The gene editing system CRISPR has opened the door to new scientific advancements — and ethical concerns.

  6. Humans

    Year in review: Early human kin could shake up family tree

    From a South African cave to an East African rift valley, fossil and archaeological finds reported in 2015 added new twists to the evolution of the human genus.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Year in review: Not all bodies act their age

    People grow old at different rates, but the underlying drivers of aging may be the same: molecular havoc wreaked inside of cells, scientists suggested in 2015.

  8. Climate

    Year in review: Global warming continues apace

    New climate research showed that the much-discussed warming hiatus never happened, carbon dioxide levels are higher than ever and Earth is heading toward a new normal.

  9. Science & Society

    Year in review: Scientists tackle the irreproducibility problem

    In 2015, several research groups reported the extent to which experimental results don't hold up to replication.

  10. Planetary Science

    Year in review: Global ocean spans Enceladus

    NASA's Cassini spacecraft is offering the best evidence yet that Saturn's moon Enceladus could be a great place to search for extraterrestrial life.

  11. Life

    Year in review: Microbe discoveries spur rethink of treetop of life

    Microbes discovered in Arctic mud this year could be the closest relatives yet found to the single-celled ancestor that made life so complicated.

  12. Quantum Physics

    Year in review: Quantum spookiness is real

    A new version of an experiment proposed in 1964 confirmed a counterintuitive tenet of quantum mechanics.
