
  1. Plants

    Berkley Walker wants to revamp photosynthesis for a changing climate

    Finding ways to make plants work better could help feed a growing population, especially as the planet warms.

  2. Genetics

    These 8 GMOs tell a brief history of genetic modification

    Since the first genetically modified organism 50 years ago, GMOs have brought us disease-resistant crops, new drugs and more.

  3. Genetics

    Most of today’s gene therapies rely on viruses — and that’s a problem

    The next big strides in gene therapy for rare diseases may come from CRISPR and new approaches to delivery.

  4. Climate

    Róisín Commane sleuths out greenhouse gas leaks to fight climate change

    From New York City to the Arctic, atmospheric chemist Róisín Commane tries to account for the greenhouse gases in the air.

  5. Microbes

    Watch: Recent microbial discoveries are changing our view of life on Earth

    Videos capture the strange movements and predatory styles of protists — among the closest microbial cousins to multicellular life.

  6. Health & Medicine

    How brain implants are treating depression

    This six-part series follows people whose lives have been changed by an experimental treatment called deep brain stimulation.

  7. Neuroscience

    Today’s depression treatments don’t help everyone

    In the second story in the series, deep brain stimulation is a last resort for some people with depression.

  8. Health & Medicine

    The science behind deep brain stimulation for depression

    The third part of the series explores the promising brain areas to target for deep brain stimulation for depression.

  9. Neuroscience

    What’s it like to live with deep brain stimulation for depression?

    The fourth article in the series explores the physical and emotional challenges of experimental brain implants for depression.

  10. Health & Medicine

    There’s a stigma around brain implants and other depression treatments

    The fifth article in the series asks why people are so uncomfortable with changing the brain.

  11. Neuroscience

    What’s the future of deep brain stimulation for depression?

    The final story of the series describes efforts to simplify and improve brain implants for severe depression.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Why sewage may hold the key to tracking diseases far beyond COVID-19

    COVID-19, mpox and many other pathogens are detectable in wastewater, but public health officials are still figuring out how best to use those data.
