Shahzeen Attari explores the psychology of saving the planet
Merging psychology with engineering, Shahzeen Attari probes how people think about conservation, energy use and climate change.
By Bruce Bower -
Emily Balskus uses chemical logic to study the microbiome
Using chemistry to peer at the microbial world, Emily Balskus is revealing how microbes influence human health.
Ibrahim Cissé unlocks cells’ secrets using physics
Biophysicist Ibrahim Cissé finds clues in raindrops and morning dew about how genes are activated.
Christopher Hamilton explores the architecture of other worlds
Planetary scientist Christopher Hamilton uses Earth’s volcanic structures are a blueprint for how lava shapes other worlds.
Paula Jofré makes stellar connections
Astrophysicist Paula Jofré is a galactic archaeologist, mapping out generations of stars.
Health & Medicine
Lisa Manning describes the physics of how cells move
Physicist Lisa Manning probes how physical forces influence cell behavior in asthma and other conditions.
Joaquín Rodríguez-López designs batteries for a sustainable energy future
Electrochemist Joaquín Rodríguez-López is finding better ways to store wind and solar power.
Artificial Intelligence
Anshumali Shrivastava uses AI to wrangle torrents of data
Computer scientist Anshumali Shrivastava is designing programs that can handle torrents of information quickly and efficiently.
Quantum Physics
Douglas Stanford probes the chaos inside black holes
Theoretical physicist Douglas Stanford is linking some of the most massive objects known to the quantum realm.
Jenny Tung wants to know how social stresses mess with genes
Evolutionary anthropologist Jenny Tung is untangling the many health effects of life as a social animal.
By Susan Milius -
Can science build a better burger?
Researchers hope to replace whole animal agriculture and feed the world with lab-made meats or plants.
By Susan Milius -
Particle Physics
Three new physics experiments could revamp the standard model
New experiments that rely on very large machines have begun to probe the weak points of particle physics.