
  1. Math

    Life on the Scales

    A mathematical equation helps explain life processes on all biological scales, from molecules to ecosystems.

  2. Chemistry

    Chemistry au Naturel

    Chemists aim to mimic natural systems with the hope of developing more-efficient chemical processes that are also less harmful to the environment.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Dangerous Practices

    Pharmaceutical companies' overaggressive marketing of risky drugs, compounded by conflicts of interest among physicians and government agencies, is hurting public safety, some researchers assert.

  4. Anthropology

    Cultivating Revolutions

    New studies suggest that farmers spread from the Middle East throughout Europe beginning around 10,000 years ago in a multitude of small migrations that rapidly changed the continent's social and cultural landscape.

  5. Health & Medicine

    One in a Million

    A 15-year-old girl in Wisconsin has survived a rabies infection without receiving the rabies vaccine, a first in medical history.

  6. Earth

    When Mountains Fizz

    Scientists are finding that the driving force behind a volcanic explosion is the same thing that propels spewing soda pop: bubbles.

  7. Tech

    Matrix Realized

    Devices called brain-computer interfaces could give paralyzed patients the ability to flex mechanical limbs, steer a motorized wheelchair, or operate robots through sheer brainpower.

  8. Humans

    Nobel Celebrations

    A firsthand account unveils the pageantry that surrounds the awarding of the Nobel prizes in Stockholm.

  9. Astronomy

    The Hole Story

    New evidence suggests that supermassive black holes have an impact on the evolution of galaxies that goes far beyond their gravitational grasp.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Palm-Nut Problem

    The ancient custom of chewing areca nuts is getting more popular as young Asians take up the habit, but betel-nut chewing has been linked to several types of oral cancer.

  11. Proteins in the Stretch

    Scientists are for the first time getting a feel for how proteins fold and unfold.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Food Colorings

    Many deeply hued plant pigments appear to offer health benefits, from fighting heart disease and obesity to preserving memory.
