
  1. Animals

    What’s Going on Down There?

    In a 10-year, global effort, researchers exploring the unknowns of marine life have found bizarre fish, living-fossil shrimp, giant microbes, and a lot of other new neighbors.

  2. Net Heads

    With a new arsenal of mathematical approaches, neuroscientists are unraveling the surprisingly few steps messages take to traverse the vast networks of brain cells underlying thought and perception.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Vice Vaccines

    Vaccines currently in development could give people a novel way to kick their addictions and lose weight.

  4. Well-Tooled Primates

    People may have leaned on ancient primate-brain capacities to begin making stone tools by 2.5 million years ago, a transition that possibly spurred the development of language and other higher mental faculties.

  5. Materials Science

    Savvy Skins

    Researchers are developing new coatings that incorporate multiple functions, offer chemical reactivity, or act in response to stimuli in the environment.

  6. Earth

    Sudden Chill

    Today's combination of nuclear proliferation, political instability, and urban demographics increases the likelihood that humankind could suffer a devastating nuclear winter.

  7. Earth

    Aquatic Non-Scents

    Many common pollutants appear to be jeopardizing the survival of fish and other aquatic species by blunting their sense of smell.

  8. Perchance to Hibernate

    As scientists work to unravel the secrets of mammalian hibernation, they're eyeing medical applications that could aid wounded soldiers, stroke victims, and transplant recipients, among others.

  9. Earth

    Counterintuitive Toxicity

    Toxicologists risk missing important health effects, both good and bad, if they don't begin regularly probing the impacts of very low doses of poisons.

  10. Humans

    Weighing In on City Planning

    Accumulating evidence suggests that urban sprawl discourages physical activity and may thereby contribute to obesity and related health problems.

  11. Computing

    Digital Fingerprints

    New methods to identify Internet users by their behavior can uncover criminals online, but these techniques may also track millions of innocent users.

  12. Physics

    Cellular Contortionist

    Mounting, but controversial, evidence suggests that DNA flexes more easily than previously thought, with potentially important implications for genetics, cell biology, and nanotechnology.
