Editor's Note

  1. Health & Medicine

    Coffee serves up surprising health benefits

    Reporting on the current state of research allows readers to see beyond the single, sometimes conflicting public health messages that medical studies produce.

  2. Earth

    Earth’s magnetic mystery forces scientists to get creative

    In explaining the Earth’s magnetic field paradox, scientists may discover a new question with an even more interesting answer.

  3. Genetics

    DNA architecture, novel forensics offer new clues

    Going from theory to practice is always rife with problems, be it shifting from the sequence of DNA’s letters to observing its dynamic machinations or from an identity marker in the lab to a piece of courtroom evidence.

  4. Neuroscience

    Shifting views of brain cells, and other fresh perspectives

    The details emerging from the latest work on glial cells are sure to yield more insights as scientists continue their struggle to understand the mind.

  5. Life

    Encountering an unexpected Pluto and life’s complexity

    Just as genetic analyses are revealing details of life’s long history, the New Horizons probe is bringing the fuzzy surface of Pluto into focus.

  6. Neuroscience

    Putting time’s mysteries in order

    Investigating both the orderly and disorderly dimensions of time provides the focus for a special issue of Science News.

  7. Health & Medicine

    E-cigarette reports provide science that society craves

    Research on vaping fills a crucial need in science’s service to society: providing the best information possible in a timely manner, so people can make wise choices.

  8. Astronomy

    Pluto at last

    Precision matters, whether looking at global temperatures, subatomic particles or the carefully timed approach to a faraway world.

  9. Science & Society

    Quantum meets chemistry, opening galaxy of possibility

    Chemistry's quantum revolution opens the door for limitless new compounds, and the scientific community scrambles to counteract the spread of a vicious disease.

  10. Science & Society

    Gene therapy, Gattaca-style, poses ethical issues

    Gene therapy becomes more sophisticated, and the debate over the ethics of DNA tinkering grows.

  11. Science & Society

    Cancerous clams and other sci-fi fodder

    Fans of science fiction will find a few items in this issue sure to trip the imagination.

  12. Space

    Driving Curiosity to discovery

    Discovery is driven by curiosity, on Mars and closer to home.
