
  1. Math

    A Graceful Sculpture’s Showy Snow Crash

    Brent Collins has spent more than two decades carving gracefully curvaceous sculptures out of wood. Born of his imagination, rendered in wire and wax, then painstakingly realized in wood in his Gower, Missouri, workshop, each creation demands many weeks of labor. Whirled White Web: An award-winning, ill-fated snow sculpture. Séquin Central portion of Scherk’s second […]

  2. Math

    A Graceful Sculpture’s Showy Snow Crash

    Brent Collins has spent more than two decades carving gracefully curvaceous sculptures out of wood. Born of his imagination, rendered in wire and wax, then painstakingly realized in wood in his Gower, Missouri, workshop, each creation demands many weeks of labor. Whirled White Web: An award-winning, ill-fated snow sculpture. Séquin Central portion of Scherk’s second […]

  3. Math

    Sliding-Coin Puzzles

    Geometric arrangements of coins can serve as the basis for all sorts of puzzles. One popular variant involves going from one configuration to another by sliding coins, subject to given constraints, and doing so in the fewest possible moves. Rearrange the rhombus into a circle using three moves. Turn the triangle upside-down in three moves. […]

  4. Math

    Möbius and his Band

    Making a Möbius strip. A Möbius band (or strip) is an intriguing surface with only one side and one edge. You can make one by joining the two ends of a long strip of paper after giving one end a 180-degree twist. An ant can crawl from any point on such a surface to any […]

  5. Math

    Chemical Dissections

    In recreational mathematics, a geometric dissection involves cutting a geometric figure into pieces that you can reassemble into another figure. For example, it’s possible to slice a square into four angular pieces that can be rearranged into an equilateral triangle. The same four pieces can be assembled into a square or an equilateral triangle. Sets […]

  6. Math

    Super Bowls and Stock Markets

    The Super Bowl “theory” links U.S. stock market performance to the results of the championship football game, held each January since 1967. It holds that if a team from the original National Football League wins the title, the stock market increases for the rest of the year, and if a team from the old American […]

  7. Math

    A Perfect Collaboration

    It seems an unlikely pairing. One was the most prominent mathematician of antiquity, best known for his treatise on geometry, the Elements. The other was the most prolific mathematician in history, the man whom his eighteenth-century contemporaries called “analysis incarnate.” Together, Euclid of Alexandria (c325–c265 BC) and Leonard Euler (1707–1783), born in Switzerland and at […]

  8. Math

    Spinning to a Rolling Stop

    Spin a coin on a tabletop. As it loses energy and tips toward the surface, the coin begins to roll on its rim, wobbling faster and faster and faster. Toward the end, the coin generates a characteristic rattling sound of rapidly increasing frequency until it suddenly stops with a distinctive shudder. Mathematician H. Keith Moffatt […]

  9. Math

    A Remarkable Dearth of Primes

    The pursuit of prime numbers–integers evenly divisible only by themselves and 1–can lead to all sorts of curious results and unexpected patterns. In some instances, you may even encounter a mysterious absence of primes. In 1960, Polish mathematician Waclaw Sierpinski (1882–1969) proved that there are infinitely many odd integers k such that k times 2n […]

  10. Math

    Sound-Byte Math Music

  11. Math

    Lacing Shoes, Revisited

    What is the best way to lace your shoes? This seemingly simple question, rooted in everyday life, can provoke passionate argument–and prompt a mathematical response. Three common lacing styles. Here are some alternative lacings you could try. The first two work only if your shoes have an even number of eyelet pairs. Watch out, though. […]

  12. Math

    Lacing Shoes, Revisited

    What is the best way to lace your shoes? This seemingly simple question, rooted in everyday life, can provoke passionate argument–and prompt a mathematical response. Three common lacing styles. Here are some alternative lacings you could try. The first two work only if your shoes have an even number of eyelet pairs. Watch out, though. […]
