Riding on Square Wheels
A square wheel can roll smoothly if it travels over a roadway of the right geometric shape.
Pinpointing Killer Asteroids
Two award-winning high school students' projects focused on new methods for pinpointing asteroids locations.
Deriving the Structure of Numbers
A novel mathematical function called the number derivative offers new insights into the structure of integers.
Mapping Scientific Frontiers
Can computer visualization help identify turning points and milestones in scientific discovery?
Mining the Tagged Web
IBM's WebFountain project gathers and annotates Web content on a vast scale to serve as a platform for data miners.
Sculpting with a Twist
There’s more than one way to slice a bagel. A bagel (or a doughnut) can serve as a physical model for a mathematical surface called a torus. You can slice it horizontally (or longitudinally) so that you end up with two halves, each containing a hole. That’s great for making sandwiches because the cut exposes […]
Computing on a Cellular Scale
The behavior of leaf pores resembles that of mathematical systems known as cellular automata.
Hunting e
Of the irrational, transcendental numbers, pi seems to get all the attention. Web sites and books celebrate its quirks and quandaries. Its digits have been computed to 1,241,100,000,000 decimal places. Lagging far behind in the celebrity sweepstakes is the number known as e. Carried to 20 decimal places, e is 2.71828 18284 59045 23536. Only […]
Turning a Snowball Inside Out
Turning a sphere inside out without allowing any sharp creases along the way is a tricky mathematical maneuver. Carving an intricate snow sculpture depicting a crucial step in this twisty transformation presents its own difficulties. This was the challenge facing a team led by mathematician Stan Wagon of Macalester College in St. Paul, Minn., last […]
Amicable Pairs, Divisors, and a New Record
The Pythagoreans of ancient Greece were fascinated by whole numbers. One particular interest involved what we now call amicable numbers. Amicable numbers come in pairs in which each number is the sum of the proper divisors of the other. The smallest such pair is 220 and 284. The number 220 is evenly divisible by 1, […]
Folding Paper in Half—Twelve Times
You can’t fold a sheet of paper in half more than seven or eight times, no matter how large the sheet or thin the paper may be. How often have you heard that statement? Perhaps you’ve even put this assertion to the test. And, indeed, it is difficult to get beyond about seven or eight […]