
  1. Math

    Computing Photographic Forgeries

    Scientists are using mathematical tools to sniff out faked photographs.

  2. Math

    Cutting a Pie Is No Piece of Cake

    Mathematicians find that slicing a pie into fair pieces is harder than divvying up a sheet cake. The problem is that pie cuts are radial, not parallel.

  3. Math

    Ancient Islamic Penrose Tiles

    Medieval Islamic artisans developed a process for creating elaborate, nonrepeating patterns now associated with Penrose tiles.

  4. Math

    Ancient Islamic Penrose Tiles

    Medieval Islamic artisans developed a process for creating elaborate, nonrepeating patterns now associated with Penrose tiles.

  5. Math

    The Complexity of TipOver and Other Puzzles

    Solving puzzles such as TipOver and River Crossing can be surprisingly difficult.

  6. Math

    Divide-and-Conquer Multiplication

    The most efficient way to multiply two large numbers is often far from obvious.

  7. Math

    Sudoku Class

    Sudoku puzzles are showing up in the math classroom.

  8. Math

    Knitting Network

    A skein of intriguing mathematical objects comes out of an evening devoted to knitting, crocheting, and other crafts.

  9. Math

    A Polyhedron with a Hole

    A polyhedron with seven faces, 14 vertexes, 21 edges, and a hole makes an intriguing lamp.

  10. Math

    Art of the Tetrahedron, Revisited

    A New Orleans sculptor and his tetrahedron-based artworks survived Hurricane Katrina.

  11. Math

    Laying Track

    Switches in train track layouts lead to a tangled math problem.

  12. Math

    The Coin in the Cake

    Hiding a coin in a cake offers a lucky slice and a tantalizing math problem.
