
  1. ‘National Greatness’ versus real national greatness by Frank Wilczek

    From the October 11, 2008 issue of Science News.

  2. Math

    Largest known prime number found

    The Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search, a cooperative computing project, helps find a prime that has nearly 13 million digits.

  3. Math

    A knot of light

    Researchers find a new theoretical way to tie light into complex knots and links.

  4. Corporate campaigns manufacture scientific doubt by David Michaels

    From the September 27, 2008 issue of Science News.

  5. Math

    Founder of the Secret Society of Mathematicians

    Henri Cartan, one of the leaders of a revolution in mathematics, dies at 104.

  6. Protecting the Internet from the criminal element, by Eugene Spafford

    From the September 13, 2008 issue of Science News.

  7. Math

    Seeing in four dimensions

    Mathematicians create videos that help in visualizing four-dimensional objects.

  8. Astronomy

    Preserving digital data for the future of eScience

    From the August 30, 2008 issue of Science News.

  9. Math

    Do subatomic particles have free will?

    Math Trek: If we have free will, so do subatomic particles, mathematicians claim to prove.

  10. In communicating science, Europe envies the U.S.

    From the August 16, 2008 issue of Science News.

  11. Math

    A Quasi-quasicrystal

    Quasicrystals are bizarre, rare, mysterious materials blending mathematical order and irregularity. A new, unexpected material halfway between a regular crystal and a quasicrystal may help reveal their secrets.

  12. Math

    A building of bubbles

    Math Trek: The National Aquatics Center in Beijing, newly built for the Olympics, is a glowing cube of bubbles. The mathematics behind it are built around Lord Kelvin's tetrakaidecahedra and the physics of foam.
