50 Years Ago

  1. From Science News Letter, August 16, 1958

    From the "Notebook" page of the Aug. 30, 2008, Science News.

  2. Archaeology

    From Science News Letter, August 2, 1958

    PORCUPINES GNAWED ON STONE AGE MAN’S TOOLS — Razor sharp edges on some of the bone chisels of Middle Stone Age man in Africa were found to have been put there by the needle-sharp front teeth of porcupines, Dr. Raymond A. Dart of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, reports. But the fact […]

  3. From Science News Letter, July 19, 1958

    RUSSIANS TEST ACCELERATOR  —  Russian scientists reported the first results of experiments with their atom-smasher, the world’s largest, to the 1958 Annual International Conference on High Energy Physics in Geneva, Switzerland. Their studies showed the hard core of a proton, a fundamental particle of the atomic nucleus and a building block for all matter, shrinks […]

  4. From Science News Letter, July 5, 1958

    DEVICE PAGES DOCTORS — A pocket radio that whistles to let you know somebody is trying to reach you by telephone is part of a page-you-anywhere telephone system undergoing tests in the Allentown-Bethlehem, Pa., area. Doctors, lawyers and other persons who must maintain immediate and economical contact with their offices can be signaled anywhere in […]

  5. From Science News Letter, June 21, 1958

    New Shock Treatment — Neither electric stimulation nor convulsion may be necessary components in the electroshock treatment of certain types of mental illness…. A group of 97 mental patients … were assigned at random to one of five treatment groups: 1. conventional electroshock therapy (EST); 2. a combination of EST and the drug, anectine; 3. […]

  6. Humans

    From Science News Letter, June 7, 1958

    Carbon dioxide changes undifferentiated cells

  7. Humans

    From the May 24, 1958 issue

    Ancient Skull Puzzles — The 45,000-year-old Neanderthal skull recently assembled from fragments found in Shanidar Cave in Iraq presents a real scientific puzzle to anthropologists because, although his face was very primitive, the back of his head was more like modern man. The description of Shanidar Man as a being who appeared to be a […]

  8. Space

    Science Past

    From Science News Letter, May 10, 1958

  9. Humans

    From the April 9, 1938, issue

    Mining limestone to make steel, a bright little bulb, setting a new record on the sun and finding buried thermos bottles.

  10. Humans

    From the April 2, 1938, issue

    The science of tall tales, a fluorine-spouting volcano under ice, and viruses show signs of life.

  11. Humans

    From the March 26, 1938, issue

    Ambitious plans for two World Fairs, helium replaces hydrogen as flying gas, and slowing down a fabled insect speedster.

  12. Humans

    From the March 19, 1938, issue

    A unique, parabolic motion picture, an aircraft pioneer contemplates the future of flight, and a formula to link large and small.
