50 Years Ago

  1. Psychology

    Beatles reaction puzzles even psychologists

    From the February 29, 1964, issue: Psychologists are as puzzled as parents over the explosive effect the Beatles are having on American teen-agers.

  2. Planetary Science

    Moon like blue cheese?

    The lunar surface turns out to have more grit than scientists thought.

  3. Planetary Science

    Mars ‘air’ found thinner

    Readers get an update on the Red Planet's atmosphere and how new probes land there with parachutes.

  4. Astronomy

    “Black holes” in space

    Science News Letter was the first publication to use the term in print in 1964.

  5. Animals

    Flightless birds face extinction

    New Zealand’s flightless birds have limped through the last few decades, but conservation efforts have had some success.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Cancer vaccine in near future foreseen

    Excerpt from the December 21, 1963 issue of SCIENCE NEWS LETTER.

  7. Physics

    New Atomic Accelerator

    This excerpt from the December 14, 1963, issue of Science News Letter talks about how the atom smashers at Argonne National Lab have evolved.

  8. Planetary Science

    Moon material on Earth

    Scientists now think that tektites are a type of impactite, formed during the rapid heating and cooling of material ejected when a meteorite strikes Earth.

  9. Health & Medicine

    Seek Meningitis Vaccine

    Excerpt from the November 9, 1963, issue of SCIENCE NEWS LETTER.

  10. Planetary Science

    Comet belt predicted near farthest planet

    Observations have confirmed the existence of the Kuiper Belt, first proposed in 1963.

  11. Earth

    Deadliest hurricane in western hemisphere

    Hurricane records have been broken.

  12. Cosmology

    Huge Galactic Explosion

    An excerpt from the October 5, 1963, issue of Science News Letter.
