50 Years Ago

  1. Health & Medicine

    50 years ago, a promising agent pulled

    DMSO was promised to cure everything from headache to the common cold. But human testing stopped in 1965.

  2. Science & Society

    Links between scrapie and MS less likely

    Five decades later, scientists still puzzle over what causes multiple sclerosis.

  3. Archaeology

    Mystery still surrounds Neandertals

    Neandertals’ relationship to modern humans is still a matter of debate.

  4. Astronomy

    Cosmic rays maintain their mystery

    Cosmic rays come from all over the universe, including some places we’re not so sure about.

  5. Neuroscience

    1960s dog brain transplant was not followed by human studies

    A pioneering study to transplant a dog’s brain led to later work on a monkey, but ethical considerations and technical know-how have prevented further work.

  6. Plants

    Early cyanobacteria fossils dug up in 1965

    In 1965, early photosynthetic plant fossils were discovered. The date of earliest oxygen-producing life forms has since been pushed much earlier.

  7. Tech

    Early satellite TV predictions highlighted instant communication potential

    Satellite communication started as science fiction but soon became reality.

  8. Health & Medicine

    In 1965, hopes were high for artificial hearts

    Developing artificial hearts took longer than expected, and improved devices are still under investigation.

  9. Astronomy

    Two stars were once considered coldest known

    Two stars once thought to be the coldest known are actually scorching compared with some truly frigid brown dwarfs.

  10. Tech

    50 years ago, an automat began taking paper money

    Ubiquitous today, vending machines that accepted bills were once considered exciting technological achievements.

  11. Neuroscience

    Claim of memory transfer made 50 years ago

    Scientist’s claims of transferred memories were more fiction than fact.

  12. Planetary Science

    First craters on Mars spotted 50 years ago

    Fifty years ago, Mariner 4 revealed that the Red Planet was peppered with craters. Now we know pockmarks are common on many other planets and moons, too.
