All Stories

  1. Genetics

    Most of today’s gene therapies rely on viruses — and that’s a problem

    The next big strides in gene therapy for rare diseases may come from CRISPR and new approaches to delivery.

  2. Life

    10 billion snow crabs have disappeared off the Alaskan coast. Here’s why

    In the eastern Bering Sea, the snow crab population plummeted after a marine heat wave in 2018. The crabs may have starved, a new study finds.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Blocking an aging-related enzyme may restore muscle strength

    Treating old mice with a drug that inhibits a “gerozyme” restored muscle strength, which can diminish with aging.

  4. Space

    Here’s how citizen scientists can help during the 2024 solar eclipse

    The sun will be near the peak of its activity cycle during the eclipse on April 8, 2024, making it a great time to crowdsource solar research.

  5. Physics

    Tiny accelerators get electrons up to speed using lasers

    In a first, chip-scale accelerators revved up electrons while also confining them into a beam.

  6. Animals

    Scientists debunked a long-standing cicada myth by analyzing their guts

    The lack of obvious chewing mouthparts may have made casual observers think that adult cicadas don’t need to feed. But that’s not the case.

  7. Life

    The inside of a rat’s eye won the 2023 Nikon Small World photo contest

    The annual competition puts the spotlight on science and nature in all its smallest glory.

  8. Climate

    Róisín Commane sleuths out greenhouse gas leaks to fight climate change

    From New York City to the Arctic, atmospheric chemist Róisín Commane tries to account for the greenhouse gases in the air.

  9. Math

    ‘Is Math Real?’ asks simple questions to explore math’s deepest truths

    In her latest book, mathematician Eugenia Cheng invites readers to see math as more than just right or wrong answers.

  10. Planetary Science

    Here’s another strike against Venus having copious lightning

    Past data and the Parker Solar Probe’s new discovery of weird whistler waves overturn the idea that Venus’ hellish atmosphere has a lot of lightning.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Newly identified stem cells can lure breast cancer to the spine

    A new type of stem cell discovered in mice and humans might explain why cancer that spreads to other body parts preferentially targets the spine.

  12. Astronomy

    The black hole–powered jet in galaxy M87 is making stars explode

    Hubble Space Telescope data show a surprising number of nova blasts along the jet of high-speed gas coming from the galaxy M87.
