All Stories

  1. Planetary Science

    What the Perseverance rover’s quiet landing reveals about meteor strikes on Mars

    InSight tried to detect seismic waves created by the arrival of its sister mission, helping scientists uncover how Mars absorbs energy from impacts.

  2. Animals

    Assassin bugs tap spiders to distract them before a lethal strike

    Some assassin bugs stroke their antennae on spiders when within striking distance, possibly imitating touches that spiders experience near their kin.

  3. Health & Medicine

    The antidepressant fluvoxamine can keep COVID-19 patients out of the hospital

    A 10-day course of fluvoxamine sharply reduced hospital visits and deaths, raising hopes for an easy at-home treatment for COVID-19.

  4. Particle Physics

    Doubt cast on theorized ‘sterile’ particles leaves a neutrino mystery unsolved

    MicroBooNE weakens the case for sterile neutrinos, but the mystery that shrouded earlier neutrino experiments remains.

  5. Humans

    Ancient human visitors complicate the Falkland Islands wolf’s origin story

    Scientists have debated how the Falkland Islands’ only land mammal journeyed to the region: by a long-ago land bridge or with people.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Epidemics have happened before and they’ll happen again. What will we remember?

    A century’s worth of science has helped us fend off infectious pathogens. But we have a lot to learn from the people who lived and died during epidemics.

  7. Genetics

    DNA from mysterious Asian mummies reveals their surprising ancestry

    Ancient DNA indicates that an enigmatic Bronze Age group consisted of genetic, but not cultural, loners.

  8. Climate

    Earth will warm 2.7 degrees Celsius based on current pledges to cut emissions

    The world still lags on its commitments to lower greenhouse gas emissions and forestall the worst effects of global warming, a new U.N. report shows.

  9. Earth

    Here’s how ice needles sculpt patterns into cold, rocky landscapes

    Striking stone patterns decorate remote, frigid landscapes. The recipe for these naturally forming stripes and swirls: Freeze, thaw, repeat.

  10. Animals

    Flamingos dye their sun-faded feathers to stay pretty in pink

    During mating season, flamingos rub a makeup-like rouge on their necks to catch the eye of the opposite sex. They don’t bother once chicks are born.

  11. Archaeology

    Lidar reveals a possible blueprint for many Olmec and Maya ceremonial sites

    An Olmec site forged a building plan more than 3,000 years ago for widespread Olmec and Maya ritual centers across Mexico’s Gulf Coast.

  12. Astronomy

    Astronomers may have spotted the first known exoplanet in another galaxy

    The spiral-shaped Whirlpool galaxy may be the host of the first planet spotted outside of the Milky Way.
