All Stories

  1. Paleontology

    The Age of Dinosaurs may have ended in springtime

    Fossilized fish bones suggest that the massive asteroid strike at the end of the Cretaceous Period occurred during the Northern Hemisphere’s spring.

  2. Planetary Science

    An ancient impact on Earth led to a cascade of cratering

    For the first time, scientists have discovered clusters of craters on Earth that were formed by the impacts of material thrown out of a larger crater.

  3. Astronomy

    A rare collision of dead stars can bring a new one to life

    These carbon- and oxygen-covered stars may have formed from an unusual merging of two white dwarfs.

  4. Paleontology

    Fossils show a crocodile ancestor dined on a young dinosaur

    The 100-million-year-old fossil of a crocodile ancestor contains the first indisputable evidence that dinosaurs were on the menu.

  5. Readers ask about the sinking of Tangier Island, Ingenuity’s dusting potential and more

  6. Computing has changed everything. What next?

    Editor in chief Nancy Shute discusses the last century's extraordinary advances in computing, and what they might mean for the future

  7. Computing

    Core memory weavers and Navajo women made the Apollo missions possible

    The stories of the women who assembled integrated circuits and wove core memory for the Apollo missions remain largely unknown.

  8. Archaeology

    The world’s oldest pants stitched together cultures from across Asia

    A re-creation of a 3,000-year-old horseman’s trousers helped scientists unravel its complex origins.

  9. Health & Medicine

    An anime convention in November was not an omicron superspreader event

    Vaccines, ventilation and other safety measures probably prevented the variant’s spread at Anime NYC, reports suggest.

  10. Animals

    How lizards keep detachable tails from falling off

    A hierarchical structure of micropillars and nanopores allows the tail to break away when necessary while preventing it from easily detaching.

  11. Archaeology

    A technique borrowed from ecology hints at hundreds of lost medieval legends

    An ecology-based statistical approach may provide a storybook ending for efforts to gauge ancient cultural diversity.

  12. Computing

    Artificial intelligence challenges what it means to be creative

    Computer programs can mimic famous artworks, but struggle with originality and lack self-awareness.
