Search Results for: coronavirus

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506 results
  1. Health & Medicine

    Immune cells’ intense reaction to the coronavirus may lead to pneumonia

    Immune cells that patrol lung tissue may play a role in the progression of a coronavirus infection to pneumonia, lab studies show.

  2. Health & Medicine

    Long COVID finally gets a universal definition

    If broadly adopted, this inclusive description of long COVID will help legitimize the ongoing struggles millions of people are facing post-infection.

  3. Health & Medicine

    What should we expect from the coronavirus this fall?

    The virus may be reaching a phase of baseline circulation, says epidemiologist Aubree Gordon. But it’s unclear what will happen in the next few months.

  4. Humans

    Here’s why COVID-19 isn’t seasonal so far

    Human immunity and behavior may be more important than weather for driving seasonality when it comes to COVID-19.

  5. Health & Medicine

    A new device can detect the coronavirus in the air in minutes

    The detector can sense as a few as seven to 35 coronavirus particles per liter of air — about as sensitive as a PCR test but much quicker.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Here’s how much coronavirus people infected with COVID-19 may exhale

    Just breathing naturally can lead people with COVID-19 to emit dozens of copies of viral RNA a minute and that can persist for eight days, a study finds.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Genetic analyses of the bird flu virus unveil its evolution and potential

    The H5N1 outbreak in cattle is giving flashbacks to the COVID pandemic. But this time is different.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Honeybees can “smell” lung cancer

    Bees can detect the scent of lung cancer in lab-grown cells and synthetic breath. One day, bees may be used to screen people’s breath for cancer.

  9. Health & Medicine

    The CDC is expanding its disease surveillance of international travelers

    Passengers at four major U.S. airports will now be tested for over 30 pathogens through a mix of wastewater testing and voluntary nasal swabs.

  10. Health & Medicine

    Early mRNA research that led to COVID-19 vaccines wins 2023 medicine Nobel Prize

    Biochemists Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman devised mRNA modifications to make vaccines that trigger good immune responses instead of harmful ones.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Health risks can persist at least 2 years after COVID-19, new data suggest

    U.S. veterans who tested positive for COVID-19 in 2020 remain at higher risk for many long COVID conditions, from heart disease to gastrointestinal issues.

  12. Ecosystems

    A new road map shows how to prevent pandemics

    Past viral spillover events underscore the importance of protecting wildlife habitats.
