Current Issue

Vol. 207 No. 3
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Cover of the March 2025 issue of Science News

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More Stories from the March 1, 2025 issue

  1. Tech

    Robots are gaining new capabilities thanks to plants and fungi

    Biohybrid robots made with plant and fungal tissue are more sensitive to their surroundings.

  2. Neuroscience

    The unique neural wiring of the human hippocampus may maximize memory

    Living tissue from the memory centers of people’s brains reveals sparse nerve cell connections that provide strong, reliable signaling between cells.

  3. Planetary Science

    A crumbling exoplanet spills its guts

    Astronomers have determined the internal composition of a distant, disintegrating planet for the first time.

  4. Earth

    Ancient rocks reveal when rivers began pouring nutrients into the sea

    Rivers began pumping weathered material into the sea about a billion years after Earth formed, suggesting continents may have gotten an early start.

  5. Megadroughts are on the rise worldwide

    One of the most extreme megadroughts has helped fuel wildfires in Los Angeles County and elsewhere in California.

  6. Earth

    Ghostly white northern lights present new auroral mystery

    These mysterious whitish-gray glows in the northern lights might be cousins of the mauve light streak known as STEVE.

  7. Astronomy

    A cosmic ‘Platypus’ might link two astronomical mysteries

    A flash of light called the Platypus has hallmarks of a mid-sized black hole shredding a star and a type of burst thought to be a stellar explosion.

  8. Particle Physics

    Cosmic rays could help reveal how tornadoes form

    Subatomic particles called muons could measure pressure changes in supercell thunderstorms and the twisters they kick up.

  9. Physics

    Hula-hooping robots reveal the physics behind keeping rings aloft

    The gyrations of hoop-slinging robots reveal that hourglass-shaped objects are best at keeping a hoop in the air.

  10. Animals

    Mole or marsupial? This subterranean critter with a backward pouch is both

    Genetic analyses have solved the riddle of where a marsupial mole fits on the tree of life: It’s a cousin to bilbies, bandicoots and Tasmanian devils.

  11. Animals

    Velvet ants have the Swiss Army knife of venoms

    A velvet ant bite like “hot oil from the deep fryer” delivers an array of peptides that inflicts pain on insects and mammals alike.

  12. Paleontology

    A mysteriously large pterosaur finally has an identity

    A Jurassic pterosaur fossil, known to paleontologists for over 160 years, isn’t a new species. It is an odd specimen of Rhamphorhynchus muensteri.

  13. Genetics

    Iron Age Celtic women’s social and political power just got a boost

    Ancient DNA indicates women stayed in their home communities and married partners from outside the area.

  14. Ecosystems

    Like flyways for birds, we need to map swimways for fish

    Mapping fish migration routes and identifying threats is crucial to protecting freshwater species and their habitats, ecologists argue.

  15. Health & Medicine

    Obesity needs a new definition beyond BMI, health experts argue

    Experts say clinical obesity is more than a high BMI and instead is a disease in which excess body fat harms tissues, organs or doing daily activities.

  16. Neuroscience

    How people suppress memories may be key to PTSD recovery

    People who recovered from PTSD changed the way their brains handle intrusive thoughts, a study of survivors of the 2015 Paris terrorist attacks shows.

  17. Health & Medicine

    U.S. dementia cases may rise to 1 million per year by 2060 

    Baby Boomers may drive a drastic increase in dementia cases in coming decades, but there are steps people can take to reduce their risk.

  18. Buried Treasure Crossword

    Solve our latest interactive crossword. We'll publish science-themed crosswords and math puzzles on alternating months.

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