Why has so much focus been placed on protecting us against the threat of a smallpox outbreak when a terrorist could choose to release a different infectious disease? Wouldn’t it be wiser to discuss ways to respond to and contain any unknown disease? More public awareness of this possibility would prevent the false sense of security the smallpox vaccinations may create. That it took 3 weeks to add SARS to the list of diseases warranting quarantine is evidence that we may not be as prepared as we imagine ourselves to be.

Benjamin Karas
Cleveland, Ohio

Your article twice refers to vaccinia as “cowpox virus.” The two are actually two separate viruses. It is unclear exactly where vaccinia comes from, as it isn’t a naturally occurring virus. It is thought that the strain of cowpox used for vaccinations has, over the years, mutated into a new, genetically distinct virus.

Paul Matz
Philadelphia, Pa.