From the August 15, 1931, issue


Near the little Indian village of Prairieville–the Mexican name is Calixtlahuaca–archaeologists have made a rare and unusual discovery.

They have found one of those circular temples to the God of the Wind, seen by the soldiers of Cortez, but not one of which was ever afterward found on the Mexican mainland. The Aztec Wind God had his shrine atop a circular structure, so the musty old chronicles say, and the entrance to his lofty sanctuary was through a pair of horrible serpents jaws whose grotesque fangs were painted red or smeared with the blood of human sacrifice and in whose deep throat an eternal fire burned.

So terrifying were these temples to the Spaniards who beheld them on their march of conquest through the Mexico of Montezuma that they were the first of all the Aztec structures to be battered to the ground. They reminded the conquistadors of nothing less than hell itself, and they were sure that the devil had been the architect.


Cases of doubtful parentage of children, such as agitate the courts from time to time, may possibly be decided with more certainty in the future, if a new blood test originated by two British scientists is developed to a point that now appears possible. The first experiments leading to the new technique were performed on cattle in Egypt by Dr. C. Todd and Dr. R.G. White, and further researches were conducted on fowls in England, by Dr. Todd working alone.

The test depends on the reactions of blood to foreign bodies that get into it. Blood invaded by germs, blood corpuscles of another animal, or anything else that does not belong there generates substances to fight against the invaders. These substances are known to scientists by the general name of antibiotics. The familiar antitoxins used against various diseases belong to the antibody classification.


The U.S. Navys Akron, an air cruiser and the largest lighter-than-air craft in the world, was christened by Mrs. Hoover at Akron Saturday and will take to the air for trial flights within the next few weeks.

The huge rigid airship is nearly twice as large as the Graf Zeppelin, having a gas capacity of 6,500,000 cubic feet, while the capacity of the Graf is 3,700,000 cubic feet and of the Los Angeles, 2,470,000 cubic feet. The ship has a length of 785 feet and a maximum diameter of 132.9 feet.

Carried up by non-inflammable helium gas, of which America has a monopoly, the Akron will exert a gross lift of 403,000 pounds and a useful lift of 182,000 pounds. And powered by eight Maybach engines capable of attaining 4,480 horse-power, she will be able to reach a maximum speed of 84 miles per hour. At a cruising speed of 50 miles per hour, engineers have estimated that the ship will travel 10,580 miles without refueling.

Thus, because of her size, the Akron will greatly excel all airships. New features of construction also give her additional advantages. For example, instead of one keel, she has three, which strengthen the ship to withstand vertical air currents.