Search Results for: Artificial Intelligence

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795 results
  1. Materials Science

    Artificial intelligence helped scientists create a new type of battery 

    It took just 80 hours, rather than decades, to identify a potential new solid electrolyte using a combination of supercomputing and AI.

  2. AI is coming to medicine, but it’s got a lot to learn

    Editor in chief Nancy Shute discusses the present and future of using artificial intelligence technology in medicine.

  3. Oceans

    This AI can predict ship-sinking ‘freak’ waves minutes in advance

    The model, which was trained on data from ocean buoys to identify potential rogue waves, could help save lives.

  4. Health & Medicine

    50 years ago, computers helped speed up drug discovery

    In 1974, a computer program helped researchers search for promising cancer drugs. Today, AI is helping speed up drug discovery.

  5. Artificial Intelligence

    How artificial intelligence sharpens blurry thermal vision images

    A thermal imaging technique uses a special camera and AI to create clear images and accurately gauge distances of objects, even in pitch-blackness

  6. Health & Medicine

    AI could take medical imaging to the next level 

    Artificial intelligence in medical imaging is taking off. Experts share what they see as the promise — and potential pitfalls — of AI technology.

  7. Artificial Intelligence

    Why large language models aren’t headed toward humanlike understanding

    Unlike people, today's generative AI isn’t good at learning concepts that it can apply to new situations.

  8. Space

    Moonquakes are much more common than thought, Apollo data suggest

    The discovery of 22,000 previously unseen moonquakes, plus a new idea of what causes them, could help us better prepare for trips there.

  9. Did artificial intelligence write this editor’s note?

    Editor in chief Nancy Shute discusses the implications of artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT for education, journalism and more.

  10. Artificial Intelligence

    Should we use AI to resurrect digital ‘ghosts’ of the dead?

    Technology that creates deepfake bots of dead loved ones may need safeguards, experts warn.

  11. Artificial Intelligence

    AI’s understanding and reasoning skills can’t be assessed by current tests

    Assessing whether large language models — including the one that powers ChatGPT — have humanlike cognitive abilities will require better tests.

  12. Artificial Intelligence

    Generative AI grabbed headlines this year. Here’s why and what’s next

    Prominent artificial intelligence researcher Melanie Mitchell explains why generative AI matters and looks ahead to the technology’s future.
